In this page, you can find all the news of MEDREONET
The Third and Last Annual Meeting of MEDREONET, will be kindly organised by our partner UTL in Lisbon, Portugal, at the following dates 2-4 December, 2009
This MedReoNet Annual meeting will be very important: this will be the last meeting allowing the partners to ask for an extra 6 months period to finish up and discuss the activities already done and those planned for the extra requested period.
Each WP leader would already organize talks from each of the partner involved in their own WP
All the partners are therefore invited to send abstracts of the possible oral or poster presentations they would like to share with all of us.
Please use this form for the abstract presentation ( Abstract exemple) and send your abstract to your WP leader as soon as possible, and not later than November 15th, 2009.
The Second Annual meeting of MEDREONET took place in Teramo, Italia
Clicking here , you'll access to all the information about this Second Annual meeting, final agenda and presentations of the participants.
The first MEDREONET meeting took place in Palma of Majorca (Spain), 12 - 14th December 2007.
Due to the spread of BT serotype 8 in the Netherlands, Belgium,Germany and France a group of scientists joined their effort in a collaborative work that has been supported by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). Conclusions of the analysis can be found on the EFSA website.
On April 19 2007, some of the results of the EFSA BT8 working group were presented in CICDC Lelystad. Presentations in pdf format can be find here:
BT symposium Lelystad presentations
The establishment of a worldwide network of OIE Bluetongue Reference Laboratories will contribute to improve the knowledge of the bluetongue epidemiological situation and will support the development of a wider global bluetongue surveillance network. Such a network will also provide additional data and analysis of data on the global situation of the disease thereby increasing the efficacy of the system as a tool for international animal disease control and to facilitate international trade of animals.
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